
What is NEurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is an evidence-based treatment to improve mental health and brain functioning, without the use of medications. When the brain’s communication networks become dysregulated, we can have difficulties with our mood (depression, anxiety) and our behaviors (impulsivity, compulsions). Through computer technology, sensors can read your brain activity and then reward you (video/sound) when brain communication improves. Over time, the brain is trained to make new connections, at new speeds. When the brain is regulated, symptoms and behaviors can be significantly improved.

Who can neurofeedback help?

Most clients can benefit from neurofeedback therapy. Stabilizing brain communication can enhance concentration and performance, improve mood, and increase emotional regulation. Brain training is noninvasive and medication free. Unlike talk-therapy, clients do not have to verbalize and process emotional distress.

Guided by established, research-based protocols and an individual’s QEEG brain map, Rebecca Montez, LPC uses neurofeedback in her practice for treating depression, anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, and substance abuse.


neurofeedback therapy process

  1. History and Assessment - Learning about the client’s current emotional, physical, and behavioral challenges.

  2. QEEG Brain Map - Analyze brain function and identify areas where connections can be improved.

  3. Neurofeedback Sessions (2x/week, for an average of 10 weeks).

  4. Evaluate Progress - both brain functioning (post QEEG) and emotional and behavioral changes in the client.

What to expect during a neurofeedback session

When a client comes for a neurofeedback session, the counselor will place sensors on the scalp location where brain training is needed. The process is simple and non-invasive. Next, the sensors pick up brain activity, which the computer will read, and the counselor will monitor when to “reward” the client. Meanwhile, the client will be comfortably seated, watching a video screen. When the client’s brain waves are more calm and alert, the video picture will become clear and the sound will become loud. Over time, the brain will grow stronger and learn to run at optimal functioning. At the end of each session, the sensors and removed, and the client returns to activities as normal.


“Let us train our minds to desire what the situation demands.”
